Tips To Save When Paying Your Way Through School
Author: Melissa Howard | Posted on: February 11, 2023

Utilize the resources available to you
When it comes to saving during college, every resource helps. College Matrix is a free resource that helps you find information on everything from scholarships to use textbooks to local events. Spend some time browsing the site for insight on topics that are important to you.
Take online classes
Going to school online is less expensive and more practical, particularly if you hold a job or have other responsibilities outside of school. Look for a program that offers certifications in your industry, which can help make you a stronger candidate for the workforce. If you’re looking for a degree in IT, for example, this page deserves a look. It can show you more information on how your degree and certifications can open up opportunities.
Learn a trade first
If you have yet to enroll in classes and money is tight, consider enrolling in a trade school first. There are many different programs you might look into, from welding to dental hygienist to social media marketing and more. If you choose something like welding, you should have no problem if you want to learn more. There are plenty of online resources that give you advice and even reviews on products you may need to carve out a successful niche in the welding industry. You may even find open educational resources to help you sharpen your skills without opening your wallet.
Look into the HOPE Scholarship
Depending on where you live, you may qualify for a HOPE Scholarship. In Tennessee, for example, if you have a GPA of 3.0 and have graduated high school within the last 16 months, you may qualify for up to $2850 to put toward school your freshman and sophomore years.
Ace the ACT® test
The ACT sets the standard in academic admissions. Ideally, you’ll have an ACT score of at least 21 to qualify for lower-level scholarships. However, you can take the test multiple times, and your highest score is all you need to present to the admissions department. list several scholarships available to those with a score of 26 to 30. These range from just a few thousand dollars to $80,000. Higher than a 31, and you may qualify for more elite programs that can pay up to $150,000 towards your degree.
Keep a resume
Even if you’re just starting out and going to school and working at the same time, make sure that you have a resume or CV on hand. This can help you get even better-paying jobs, even if you’re only working on campus. Use a free resume template that lets you customize it with your own photos, text, and more whenever you’re ready.
Seek reimbursement
The Krazy Coupon Lady may not be crazy at all. She’s probably one of the most trusted deal divas on the internet, and her list of employers that can help pay for your college – Amazon, Starbucks, Lowes, and Papa John’s cover 100% tuition – is a great place to look for your first job. You want your degree, but you don’t want to go into debt for it. That’s a smart choice. Today’s tips, which include going to school online, seeking a scholarship, learning a trade first, and even looking for a job that will help cover your costs, will help you get started on the right foot instead of the wrong end of student debt.
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